Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Back and Busy

I arrived home over a week ago and jumped right back in to the rush of life. Lots going on at church in areas I am not normally involved in but because everyone else is gone it becomes my business. My big children's event One Wild Week is a week away and there is lots to do and get organized involving that. So far we have not had as many sign ups as usual and that worries me a bit, praying that we have at least 50-60 in order to have good energy and feel to the event. Wouldn't be a bad thing to have a small crowd but just different than years past and hard to plan for the unknown.
Caleb has settled in nicely, he got to take ownership of my old laptop and has turned into quite the little techie, teaching himself games and navigating around quite well. We have access to an amazing pool for the next week so that helps a great deal to get him out and playing and burning off some energy.
Pondering a possible move to a nicer bigger place. I would really like to have a guest room so that when people visit I don't have to sleep on the air mattress as well as extra bathroom so Caleb and I don't have to negotiate every time we arrive home and both have to pee. (He usually gets sent to pee in the yard since the option exists for him.) I love my little home though and my close knit community will be sad to let that go. Still pondering the issue.

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