Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Enjoying the Fresh Air

Happy Sham El Nessim!

I am sitting on my newly cleaned balcony drinking a cuppa and enjoying a lazy start to the day. Caleb spent the night at Bonnie's so I could actually sleep in of course I couldn't get past 8 but it was fun to have the opportunity! I just learned via FB that my Jr. High/High School crush (who never knew I existed) died last year. I don't think I ever actually spoke to the guy and yet it really saddens me. From the tributes and photos it seems as if he was a happy family guy, stayed married, loving kids and lots of friends, and he was good looking as ever.

So with my Caleb free evening what exciting thing did I do? Well, I impressed myself by putting together my new grill with rather obscure instructions. When I all was said and done I had about 3 bolts left over (yet every hole was filled) not sure if I did it right but it is standing! Hopefully will put to use tonight.

Caleb and I spent 5 hours yesterday doing yard work, felt kinda like a Saturday of my childhood except now strangely enough I enjoy it. My house and yard was demolished over the course of the last year while they added two floors to my building. There is no real work standards here nor regulations so they just pitch bricks and rebar off the roof, let cement drip and paint splatter. When they packed up their scaffolding they loaded my grill and patio furniture as well but left ALL the garbage and mess of 10 months of work. The garden is dead but hopefully I can bring some color and life back into to it. We did make some interesting discoveries, Caleb found (and screamed upon finding) a cool caterpillar. It really blended into the dirt but when I touched it, it had a section that flared up (note photos) and we caught a cute lizard both were later released back into the wild.

Just heard today that it looks like the American Embassy will be lifting the evacuation orders and that embassy staff can return. This will affect a number of other companies as well who have been waiting on the embassy for the lead to return. Of course school is out in a month so not sure if people will really return at this point or not but it will create some interesting end of the year issues. We have reduced church to one service and we are quite full, do we add the other back in fr a few weeks? I am kind of in wind down mode planning for summer and VBS'. Interesting as always!

Maybe some of you have noticed I have blogged a bit more as of late (last 3 days :) ) Well I found this gadget that lets you see if people actually read your blog, which is helpful since blogging is a bit of a lonely device if no one ever comments or lets you know that they read it, of course since I rarely posted then people stop coming to visit and it is a vicious cycle, so I am testing it out that if I write more, people will visit more and keep up with me by this method verses FB which I am trying to use minimally.

Anyhow on with the day, blessings to all!

1 comment:

  1. Ole Mom has read with great interest all of your doings and goings. You are such a good writer. When will all of this be put into a book???? Hope I'm successful with getting this comment published.
