Saturday, April 30, 2011

Sharing Dreams

Caleb usually crawls into bed with me somewhere around his 4:30am pee time so we often wake up together and have a little chat time. Sometimes he wakes up and gives me a play by play analysis of his dreams from that night. This morning he was really funny; he told me all about his dream and then cutely looked at me and said "so tell me about your dreams momma." So we shared dreams
His were, of course, ALL about fighting and being a ninja, and even rescuing me and a friend of his from some bad guy named Shredder. He showed me some of the moves involved :) My dream? This would be so easy to analyze. I dreamed about finding money on 3 different occasions and then happening upon a candy outlet store. What does that tell you about me?!

Yesterday was Saturday and I enjoyed a complete day off! It was great. We worked in the yard and made flower boxes. I love sitting on my front balcony drinking coffee and enjoying the breeze BUT I am a spectacle to everyone who walks down the street, so this provides a bit of a barrier to the street traffic.

On today's agenda, enjoy a sabbath rest (with the exception of lunch duty at Caleb's school.) I have reading and thinking to do in preparation for next fall's Women's Bible Study. We are trying to pick a topic and one of the options is character studies of the people listed in Jesus' genealogy. Interesting idea but not so confidant that there is much teaching material given. We shall see what I think at the end of the day. So other than reading all I have to do is another cup of coffee!

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