Saturday, August 21, 2010

A Lazy Saturday Morning

Enjoying a nice slow start to the morning after a late night movie session. A couple of friends came over last night after church to watch a movie I had rented called "My Name is Khan." I had not given much thought when I rented it but it sounded interesting enough and it was for the first 1 1/2 hours and then it degenerated into the dumbest most contrived movie ever. I have never watched a movie that started out so well and then just fell apart. It had an obvious agenda about anti Muslim attitudes in America after 9/11 and made Americans appear like obvious idiots where as I believe we are much more subtle in our idiocy. Thankfully in the comfort of my own home I could offer a bold running commentary to relieve my angst. I would say that the acting was excellent they were just at the mercy of a bad script.
Tonight I am celebrating my birthday a week late but much better rested than last week. We start our Saturday night services back up tonight which doesn't thrill me but I will only work it until first of Sept when all the teachers get back into gear.
So that is all for now!

1 comment:

  1. Have you watched Amreeka? Great film! Very well done...about a Palestinian family who immigrates to America post 9/11.

    Happy Belated Birthday!!
