Thursday, June 9, 2011

Pajama and Crazy Hair Day

Yes today was the start of trying to teach my child to loosen up and laugh at himself. It is crazy hair day/pajama day at school and we have been talking about it all week; how fun it is going to be to wear our pj's to school and do something fun with his very fun head of hair. OK maybe I was more excited about it than he was but he certainly indicated he was up for it. And then the day came! So we got up this morning showered and began the process of TRYING to straighten his hair. Straighten, I have concluded, is not possible but creating a VERY LARGE poof is! And crazy it was, but half way into it he panicked. "Everyone is going to laugh at me!" He cried. To which I said "yes, that's the point. Its fun to be funny and silly sometimes, you guys will all laugh at each other." In the end he had really crazy hair because he wouldn't let me finish the other side, so only half his head was fully fluffed.

I had to go in and read a story to his class so I decided to demonstrate being funny and laughing at oneself. Since I can't do much of anything with my dull head of hair I opted to go full steam with the pj aspect. So I went exactly as I hopped out of bed (well I brushed my teeth and added a bra) put on my slippers and yes, walked out the door and even down the street a bit. He thought this was quite entertaining, and evidently the other moms who also were coming to read didn't get the note and so they were rather plainly dressed One dad came and he was normally dressed I questioned his son and he gladly explained that his dad sleeps naked and hence he couldn't just hop out of bed and came as I did. I appreciated that little piece of information and will eagerly look for an opportunity to use it some time in the near future...sermon illustration maybe.

In the end Caleb tied with another little boy for craziest hair, but the other kid was wearing a wig so I declared that Caleb was the true winner and he was quite pleased with everyone's applause.
I find it so interesting that at such an early age they are already so conditioned to seek approval and acceptance from their peers. It turns out that a number of kids didn't get to crazy for the exact same reason, fortunately the older girl that he has a crush on (yes 9 mo's later and he is still in love) went all out and if it was cool for her to do it then it was cool for him.

They handed out awards last night at their celebration of success and Caleb won for best imagination, which was probably putting a positive spin on his inability to focus on what is in front of him but none the less he was excited to receive the applause and recognition and we will frame his first certificate!
Two more days and then KG will be through and he will start the real march towards the diploma. As always prayer is needed that God will make a way for Caleb. So thankful that MCS is available for him to attend as we would be in a real bind otherwise, but at some point laws here need to change or God needs to work a miracle for him to be able to finish and get a HS diploma. From the day that little boy arrived in my arms God has been making a way so I admit I expect the miracle, I have no doubt that in His perfect time and in His perfect way God will provide all that Caleb needs to succeed and survive in this world! I look forward to the day I blog about the "How He did it."

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