Thursday, June 2, 2011

One More Biggie and then Finished

I am the Queen of bad planning, or over planning and these last 2 weeks are prime examples. In addition to the regular schedule I added in a sermon, the end of the year youth event, and a big farewell party. ALL this plus tons of "goodbye"coffees and lunches and dinners. I get one event down and then all attention turns to the next. As for this morning sermon down, Bashapalooza finished and now Brenda Petrescue's Farewell Party. I am tired but my brain keeps going which makes ever really feeling good or rested a near impossibility.

Bashapalooza went really well in light of many obstacles. I will try and post some of the video as GJ did a hilarious version of Andre Bottecelli's "Time to Say Good Bye." We had 7 graduating seniors which was a huge jump from last years 1. Graduation is Friday morning, and then a big party in the afternoon, and church that evening. The first big wave of departures happens literally the night of graduation and then others will filter out over the next week. The British Schools are still open for almost 2 more weeks so its not as if the whole town instantly empties out like it used to.

Saturday evening is Brenda's Farewell which is turning into a much larger affair than I had originally thought but that is a great thing! Except from the food organizing standpoint. 20 years living here deserves a fantastic send off. Another long term family, the McGuigans, are also leaving after 18 years. They were my next door neighbors when I first moved in. They taught at CAC and they did a huge slide show celebration of their contribution at the sports award the other night for which I am really glad. This community is tough because there are so many good byes that it is easy to over look or not fully grasp the impact that someone has made because the people have moved on. Life here is very much like foot prints in the sand, there and distinct but for a moment and then smoothed out blended in and forgotten. So trying to say a really good meaningful farewell is important in my opinion.

Off to work!

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