Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Muslim leaders: We want an Islamic state...Egypt's clash of religions..."I have cc'd this letter to my counterpart at the Embassy..."

Two of the above are this morning
s headlines and one taken from an e-mail I received none of it was good news to wake up to. In addition my maid arrived at 6:30 am for the second day. Why? Because she was beaten up by her landlord who is trying to intimidate her and force her to move out even though she has a contract that covers her to live there for till death. Fear and nervousness swells up within me, things seem very shaky in these post revolution days. Everyone is talking about it, the local Christians demonstrate their fear in angry outbursts, everywhere I look wrought iron doors are replacing the old glass or wood doors and lots of discussion about carrying a weapon. The uncertainty is palpable.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. Jn. 14:27

This is where I want to rest and find my security, not in headlines, not in elections, not in location. I do believe that this is a time of testing for all believers in this country, but my nervousness comes when I realize at times how theologically and spiritually immature the church is here in this country. Pray for us! Pray for the church of Egypt that they might stand strong in faith not in weapons nor words but FAITH. Pray that God's Spirit will pour out upon the church here, not because they deserve it or are even seeking it but because they desperately need it. Pray that as persecution intensifies so will their faith and determination to love in the face of evil. Pray for a spiritual revolution!

I don't claim to fully understand Isaiah 19 nor do I know at what point in the time line we are existing, but this much I can grasp.
vs. 16 God's fist of judgment has/is/will shake over this land and it will scare us to our core
vs. 18 There will always be a remnant who follows after God, ppl who identify themselves with God's ppl.
vs. 22 The Lord will strike Egypt, striking and healing and THEY WILL RETURN TO THE LORD
vs. 25 God has made a promise! Blessed be Egypt MY people

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the reminder from John 14. As I watch the news and see the earthquakes, flooding, and the evil man inflicts upon man, it is easy to be fearful. And you are living with far more uncertain circumstances. Whether we are close to His return or not,we must continually look to Him and to the Word, knowing that whatever the headlines, He holds us in the palm of his hand, and it is in Him that our hearts must be anchored. I pray tonight the He will mature the faith of my Egyptian brothers and sisters and that they will stand firm in the Lord. May His peace fill your heart.
